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Citation de ladymuse

Illness has prevented me from answering your letter of July 15. I am going through a labyrinth of neurological difficulties which make it impossible fore me to grant your request for an interview.

However, if it will be of any help, I offer the following--I'm 49, and my first novel was published when I was 22. It was nothing and the same applies to most of the 16 others published since then. . . .

At first, I wanted to write very solemnly and handle only the important issues. But of course the most important issue of all is putting food in one's belly and in order to do, that I deviated from the track most of the time and complied with the wishes of various editors and publishers. I admit this was weakness. I should have taken a job digging ditches, and because I was too lazy to do that, I threw away a lot of valuable time, especially in Hollywood, although I must say I had a lot of fun in Hollywood.
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