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3.25/5 (sur 8 notes)

Nationalité : France
Biographie :

Enseignant spécialiste de littérature britannique, auteur de plusieurs bilingues dans la collection Langues pour Tous.
Il est Professeur Agrégé d'Anglais et Responsable des Langues et des Relations Internationales à l'U.F.R. INFOCOM de l'Université de LILLE 3.

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Bibliographie de Dominique Lescanne   (9)Voir plus


Citations et extraits (3) Ajouter une citation
"What it its warning against?" he said, ruminating, with his eyes on the fire, and only by times turning them on me. "What is the danger? Where is the danger? There is a danger overhanging somewhere on the Line. Some dreadful calamity will happen. It is not to be doubted this third time, after what has gone before. But surely this a cruel haunting of me. What can I do ?"

(The Signalman)
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"You look at me," I said, forcing a smile, "as if you had a dread of me."
"I was doubtful," he returned, "whether I had seen you before."
He pointed to the red light he had looked at.
"There?" I said.
Intently watchful of me, he replied (but without sound), "Yes".
"My good fellow, what should I do there? However, be that as it may, I never was there, you may swear." "I think I may", he rejoined. "Yes; I am sure I may."

(The Signalman)
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"You almost make me think that I have met with a contented man."
(I am afraid I must acknowledge that I said it to lead him on.)
"I believe I used to be so", he rejoined, in the low voice in which he had first spoken; "but I am troubled, sir, I am troubled."

(The Signalman)
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