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1.75/5 (sur 2 notes)

Nationalité : États-Unis
Né(e) à : San-Antonio, Texas, Etats-Unis
Biographie :

(en anglais) Don Campbell spent his high school years in Europe, studying classical music with the legendary Nadia Boulanger and Jean Casadesus at the Fountainebleu Conservatory in France. A graduate of the University of North Texas, he began his professional career as a music critic and teacher for seven years at St. Mary’s International School in Tokyo.

Over the past 30 years, Campbell’s interest in sound, healing and education have taken him to over forty countries, including South Africa, Greece, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Israel, Russia, Thailand and Tibet. He has researched and documented the role and uses of music in therapeutic settings, psychology and imagery applications, educational programs and the contemporary and indigenous spiritual traditions. In 1988, Mr. Campbell founded the Institute of Music, Health and Education, serving as its director until 1995. Currently, he is Acoustic and Musical Director of Aesthetics Audio Systems, an innovative company that provides quality music to healthcare facilities.
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Citations et extraits (15) Voir plus Ajouter une citation
In an instant, music can uplift our soul. It awakens within us the spirit of prayer, compassion, and love. It clears our minds and has been known to make us smarter.
Music can dance and sing our blues away.
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People with mild hearing disorders are often accused of not paying attention, which can lead to anger and frustration on both sides. Stress, anxiety, and fatigue may also arise as hearing declines.
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Therese subsequently founded the Chalice of Repose Project, a palliative hospice program combining music and medicine, now based in Missoula, Montana, at Saint Patrick Hospital. Music-thanatology (…) is now a standard component of end-of-life care in institutional settings in Missoula.
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The ear choreographs the body’s dance of balance, rhythm, and movement. From the simple motions of the jellyfish through the complex activities of homo sapiens, the ear is the gyroscope, the CPU, the orchestra conductor of the entire nervous system.
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The right ear is dominant because it relays auditory impulses more quickly to the speech centers in the brain than does the left ear. Nerve impulses from the right ear travel directly to the left brain, where the speech centers are located (…)
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If you are daydreaming or find yourself in an emotional, unfocused mood, a little Mozart or Baroque music in the background for ten or fifteen minutes can help to steady your conscious awareness and increase your mental organization.
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Rock concerts are among the worst threats, which is why, unbeknownst to fans, most rock musicians wear earplugs when they perform. (The heavy metal band Motley Crue recently agreed to sell earplugs at its performances.)
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The ritual of applause is an aural abomination, at least in the concert hall. The powers of music, which build up in the body and reach peak at the end of a performance, are immediately dissipated by clapping.
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(…) results of a music therapy study in Austin, Texas, which found that half of the expectant mothers who listened to music during childbirth did not require anesthesia.
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On the one hand, rock music creates tension and frustration; on the other, it releases it. Rock music, one might say, is a two-sided coin that keeps flipping.
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