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Nationalité : États-Unis
Biographie :

(en anglais) Elena Passarello is an actor and writer originally from Charleston, SC. She studied nonfiction at the University of Pittsburgh and the University of Iowa, and her essays on performance, nature, and pop culture have appeared in Creative Nonfiction, Gulf Coast, Slate, Iowa Review, Normal School, Literary Bird Journal, and Ninth Letter.

She has performed in several regional theaters in the East and Midwest, originating roles in the premieres of Christopher Durang's Mrs. Bob Cratchit's Wild Christmas Binge and David Turkel's Wild Signs and Holler. In 2011, Elena became the first woman winner of the annual Stanley and Stella Shouting Contest in New Orleans.

She now lives in Corvallis, Oregon, where she is an Assistant Professor at Oregon State University. Her website and blog are at
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