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Nationalité : États-Unis
Né(e) à : Haverton

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Bibliographie de Ellen C. Kelleher   (1)Voir plus


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However, I have found one thing that seems to be almost universally helpful, and that is to be present in the moment. Pain can easily become overwhelming when we think of it as something that will never go away, but when we break it down into smaller increments, we are able to handle it. (...) We can handle almost anything for one minute, so when the pain gets overwhelming, think in minutes not years.
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EDS has also taught me to be more patient, more empathetic, and to have a better sense of humor. I mean, after all, some days with EDS all you can do is laugh (and pray the ribs stay in place).
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If I didn't have EDS, I wouldn't be the person I am today. EDS makes me feel unique in a world where everyone tries to be "normal", like "everyone else".
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Living through pain and frustration can make us stronger, if we choose to let it (...)
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My earliest memory is of the pain.
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