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Bibliographie de Ellen Jacobson   (2)Voir plus


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(…) my grandmother politely suggested the couple take their discussion elsewhere.
After they left, Grandma shook her head. ‘Libraries are supposed to be sanctuaries, not a place to air your dirty laundry.’
She grumbled for a few more minutes about the importance of indoor voices (…)
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While I mulled over the investigation, I watched my grandmother bustle around the library, working her magic. Guided by her unwavering belief that reading nourishes our souls, she had an uncanny instinct when it came to matching patrons with books.
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When you live in a small town, being condescending and self-righteous doesn’t get you very far.
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I have to admit, she did look pretty cute. That's how cats get away with things. They can spit up a hairball on your pillow, then give you an adoring look and, like magic, all is forgiven.
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Chocolate always helps me think better, and I was going to need all my brain cells firing in order to figure out whodunit.
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