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Bibliographie de Emma Marris   (1)Voir plus


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If we fight to preserve only things that look like pristine wilderness, such as those places currently enclosed in national parks and similar refuges, our best efforts can only retard their destruction and delay the day we lose. If we fight to preserve and enhance nature as we have newly defined it, as the living background to human lives, we may be able to win. We may be able to grow nature larger than it currently is. This will not only require a change in our values but a change in our very aesthetics, as we learn to accept both nature that looks a little more lived-in than we are used to and working spaces that look a little more wild than we are used to.
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Lecteurs de Emma Marris (1)Voir plus

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Le fantôme de Sarah Fisher

Comment Sarah Fisher est morte?

Tombée d'une falaise
Noyée dans l'océan
Morte d'une maladie

10 questions
69 lecteurs ont répondu
Thème : Le fantôme de Sarah Fisher de Agnès LarocheCréer un quiz sur cet auteur

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