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Nationalité : Irlande
Biographie :

Fiona Scarlett is from Dublin but now living in Co. Kildare with her husband and two children. She holds an MLitt in creative writinf from the University of Glasgow as well as a masters in early childhood education. She was awarded the Denis O'Driscoll Literary Bursery through Kildare County Council in 2019 ans a Literature Bursery through the National Arts Council Ireland in 2020. She works full time as a primary school teacher and Boys don't cry is her debut novel.

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People are still afraid to say that you died. That you are dead. They say you passed away, as if you are just gone somewhere unreachable, that you are still here. Sorry for your loss, I hear over and over. What does that even mean? Your loss? It gets stuck right in the knot of anger balled tight in my chest, because lost is tied to hope, which is connected to found, as if you will be returned to me at some point, so how can I ever let you go, if you are still there, holding on, waiting for me to find you. They say that time heals, but that’s just so fucking wrong. There’s this big gaping hole that will never be filled, that will never be healed, but it does become more bearable, I will give them that.
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never seen Da cry. He tells us that crying is a sign of weakness. That boys don’t cry. That boys should never cry. So we don’t. Ever. Unless we’re in private, when nobody sees.
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Dans le conte de Charles Perrault, il est parfois écrit que Cendrillon porte une pantoufle de vair. Qu'est-ce que le vair?

Un synonyme de verre
De la fourrure

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