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Biographie :

Hector Garcia-Molina is the L. Bosack and S. Lerner Professor of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering at Stanford University. His research interests include digital libraries, information integration, and database applications on the Internet. He was a recipient of the SIGMOD Innovations Award and a member of PITAC (President's Information-Technology Advisory Council). He currently serves on the Board of Directors of Oracle Corp.

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Databases today are essential to every business. [...] Corporations maintain all their important records in databses. Databases are likewise found at the core of many scientific investigations. They represent the data gathered by astronomers, by investigators of the human genome, and by biochemists exploring properties of proteins, among many other scientific activities.

the power of databases comes from a body of knowledge and technology that has developed over several decades and is embolied in specialized software called a databse management system, or DBMS[...] A DBMS is a powerfool tool for creating and managing large amounts of data efficiently and allowing it to persist over long periods of time, safely. These systems are among the most complex types of software available.
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Correspondances artistiques (1)

D'une Joconde à l'autre, séparément et chacun à sa manière à des dates différentes, deux artistes français ont célébré Mona Lisa en chanson (indice : Aigle et tête de choux) :

Serge Gainsbourg et Léo Ferré
Léo Ferré et Anne Sylvestre
Barbara et Serge Gainsbourg

10 questions
268 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : peinture , musique , histoire de l'art , Instruments de musique , musiciens , art , artiste , symphonie , mer , Japonisme , impressionnisme , sécession viennoise , Abstraction , Côte d'Azur (France) , romantisme , pointillisme , symbolisme , Pique-niques , joconde , leonard de vinci , renaissance , culture généraleCréer un quiz sur cet auteur

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