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Bibliographie de Isabel Briggs Myers   (2)Voir plus


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Isabel Briggs Myers
By developing individual strengths, guarding against weaknesses, and appreciating the strengths of other types, life will be more amusing, more interesting, and more of a daily adventure than it could possibly be if everyone were alike.
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Isabel Briggs Myers
We cannot safely assume that other people's minds work on the same principles as our own. All too often, others with whom we come in contact do not reason as we reason, or do not value the things we value, or are not interested in what interests us.
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Les plus grands classiques de la science-fiction

Qui a écrit 1984

George Orwell
Aldous Huxley
H.G. Wells
Pierre Boulle

10 questions
4873 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : science-fictionCréer un quiz sur cet auteur

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