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5/5 (sur 2 notes)

Nationalité : États-Unis
Biographie :

In 1979 he founded The Clean Team, most likely San Francisco busiest and most popular housecleaning service.
Despite the fact that he actually enjoys cleaning, especially when he gets paid for it, his philosophy has always been that we all have better things to do with our weekends than clean the house.
He is a cofounder of WorkEnders, a national housecleaning franchise, and is hard at work teaching franchisees how to operate successful housecleaning service.
He resides both in San Francisco and in a small Sierra foothils town of Jackson, California.

Source : Clutter control, 3e couverture
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Speed cleaning was and is the first comprehensive solution to the housecleaning chores that each of us copes with and must find time for virtually every week of our lives.
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Ask a dozen of people what drives them crazy around their house - besides their spouse, of course - and chances are most will mention clutter high on the list.
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Du Polar avec Jean Gabin

D'après le roman de Pierre-René Wolf, Martin Roumagnac est un film réalisé par Georges Lacombe sorti en 1946. La vie de Gabin, entrepreneur en maçonnerie, prend un mauvais tournant lorsqu'il rencontre une belle aventurière, interprétée par celle qui partagea sa vie: (Indice: L'ange bleu)

Greta Garbo
Marlene Dietrich

12 questions
24 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : jean gabin , polar noir , romans policiers et polars , acteur , cinema , adapté au cinéma , adaptation , littératureCréer un quiz sur cet auteur

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