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Citation de Ileauxtresors

'Well in that case surely we shall be five for dinner? I assume my father will be eating with us.’
‘I’m afraid not, sir. Your father suffered a slight misfortune this afternoon, and has already retired. The doctor has advised him not to exert himself any further today.’
‘Misfortune? What sort of misfortune?’
‘A most regrettable accident, sir. My fault entirely. I was taking him out for his afternoon constitutional, when I – most carelessly – lost control of his chair, and sent hit hurtling down a slope, where it crashed. Crashed into the hen coop.’
‘My God – was there… was there any injury? »
‘A chicken was decapitated, sir.’
Roddy eyed him narrowly, as if trying to decide whether this was a joke. ‘All right, Pyles,’ he said at last. ‘I’m sure Miss Barton would like to freshen up after her journey. You may tell Cook that we shall be four for dinner.’
‘Very god, sir,’ he said, shambling towards the door.
‘What are we having, anyway?’
‘Chicken,’ said Pyles, without turning round.
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