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Citation de missmolko1

‘Do you know we’ve been together for as long as you and Georgina were?’ she said as he bent down, mercifully finished, to rinse his mouth.
‘Have we?’ Michael dried his mouth with a towel.
‘Yes,’ said Lyn. ‘So are you going to be unfaithful to me now?’ There was a harder note in her voice than she’d intended.
Michael put down the towel. ‘No,’ he said carefully. ‘No, that wasn’t actually my intention.’
‘Pfffff,’ said Lyn. ‘I guess it wasn’t your intention to be unfaithful to Georgina either.’
Michael leant against the bathroom door. ‘Is this to do with the whole Cat and Dan thing?’ She didn’t say anything. ‘Is it Kara? This morning’s teenager from hell performance?’
‘It’s nothing. It was a joke.’
‘Didn’t sound like one.’
Lyn put away her moisturiser and Michael’s toothpaste. She walked past him into their bathroom He snapped off the light and followed her.
Without speaking, they pulled back the quilt, climbed into bed and took their books from their respective bedside tables. They lay side by side on their backs and held their books in front of them.
After a few seconds Michael put his book flat down on his chest.
‘Do you remember the first we went camping together?’
Lyn kept looking at her book. ‘Yes.’
‘I remember waking up that first morning and seeing you next to me in your sleeping bag, all curled up, abd I felt so… so pleased to see you. It was like the feeling you got when you were a kid and you had a friend stay the night. While you were sleeping you’d forget he was there and then you’d wake up and see him sleeping on the stretcher bed and you’d remember and you’d feel all happy. You’d think, oh that’s right, good old Jimbo’s here – we’re gonna have fun today!’
Lyn went to speak and he put his hand on her arm to stop her.
‘My point is, I can’t remember ever once feeling that way with Georgina. Even during our supposedly good times. Our very worst times, yours and mine, are still ten times better than the very best times I had with Georgina. When you and I first got together I remember thinking, bloody hell, why did nobody tell me it could be this good?’
Michael picked up his book again. ‘So that’s why I’m not going to be unfaithful to you.’
Lyn blinked and watched the words on her page dance and dissolve.
‘Because you remind me of my mate Jimbo.’
She closed her book and used it to whack him on the stomach.
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