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Citation de missmolko1

Charlie was behind her, enfolding her in his arms. ‘We don’t have a baby, you fruitcake,’ he said. ‘Come back to bed. It’s just a dream.’
‘No, no.’ She opened a new drawer. ‘We have to find our baby.’
But even as she was saying the words she was starting to doubt herself. Maybe there was no baby?
She turned to face Charlie. ‘We don’t have a baby?’
‘No, we don’t have a baby. It’s a dream. Jesus. You frightened the hell out of me.’
‘Sorry.’ Now she felt a bit stupid. ‘Did I tell you that I sometimes have nightmares?’
‘No. You didn’t.’ He put his arm around her shoulders and guided her back towards the bed. ‘Just as a matter of interest, how often do you have them?’
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