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Citation de jainas

'Beg for Mercy', said the Elephant.
This one was easy. 'Mercy!' said the Marquis. 'I beg! I plead! Show me mercy - the finest of all gifts. It befits you, mighty Elephant, as lord of your own demesme, to be merciful to one who is not even fit to wipe the dust from your excellent toes...'
'Did you know,' said the Elephant, 'that everything you say sounds sarcastic?'
'I didn't. I apologise. I meant every single word of it.'
'Scream', said the Elephant.
The Marquis of Carabas screamed very loudly and very long. It is hard to scream when your throat has been recently cut, but he screamed as hard and piteously as he could.
'You even scream sarcastically', said the Elephant.
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