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Nationalité : États-Unis
Né(e) à : Buffalo, New York , le 15/10/1946
Biographie :

Philip Jackson Cook est professeur de politiques publiques à la Sanford School of Public Policy de l'Université Duke.

ITT/Sanford Professor of Public Policy, and Professor of Economics and Sociology at Duke University. He served as director and chair of Duke's Sanford Institute of Public Policy from 1985-89, and again from 1997-99, and is currently Senior Associate Dean of the Sanford School of Public Policy. He has active research programs on a number of topics, including truancy prevention, crime prevention through private action, and alcohol control policy. His most recent books are Controlling Crime: Strategies and Tradeoffs (co-edited with Jens Ludwig and Justin McCrary: University of Chicago Press, 2011) and Paying the Tab (Princeton University Press, 2007). He is currently vice chair of the National Research Council's Committee on Law and Justice, previously served as a member of the Division Committee for the Behavioral Sciences, and serves as co-director of the Crime Lab at the University of Chicago.

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Lisons avec Mickey Rourke

L'un de ses premiers rôles marquants est celui de The Motorcycle dans Rusty James réalisé par Francis Ford Coppola en 1983 d'après le roman du même nom de: (Indice: Outsiders):

Joyce Carol Oates
S. E. Hinton
Toni Morisson

9 questions
2 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : acteur , Acteurs de cinéma , hollywood , cinema , adapté au cinéma , adaptation , littérature , polar noirCréer un quiz sur cet auteur

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