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Nationalité : Royaume-Uni
Biographie :

Simon Dunstan est un auteur, producteur et photographe, spécialiste de l’histoire militaire.

Il est notamment connu pour ses ouvrages sur l’arme blindé, en particulier britannique, et est régulièrement employé par la chaîne History Channel.

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Bibliographie de Simon Dunstan   (4)Voir plus


Citations et extraits (6) Ajouter une citation
Two Chieftains Mark 2 arrived in Israel for trials with the IDF in early 1967, but within months the region was plunged into conflict with the outbreak of the Six Day War in June. The nervous Foreign Office cabled Tel Aviv and demanded that the Chieftains be moved from the border regions of Negev Desert with Egypt for fear of Arab accusations of collusion with the Israelis. The Israelis sent a laconic reply, "Have no fears, we have moved the borders".
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As so eloquently expressed by Iddo Netanyahu, the brother of Yoni: ‘The raid on Entebbe touched the souls of men and women across the globe in the most fundamental way possible. For it proved that at least once, even against inconceivable odds, justice could be done and right could win.’
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Kafri later recounted his rather low opinion of the vehicle in question:
It was a lousy, stupid car that didn’t work and it was white [...] we went to a friend’s tyre shop in Jaffa at 0100hrs to replace the four bald tyres. He didn’t know why and I think we might still owe him money.
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Dr Ephraim Sneh remembers being accosted by a well-proportioned lady with the words:
‘Major! Major! I’m afraid I’m sitting on some military thing.’ (He was in fact a colonel.) ‘She takes from under her arse a mini-hand grenade.’
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Both Belgium and Holland realized that they lay in the path of a German invasion of France, but deceived themselves into believing that a policy of strict neutrality would forestall the inevitable.
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The latter called to Muki Betser to ask how Yoni Netanyahu had been killed. His reply was succinct: ‘He went first. He fell first.’
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