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Citation de bookheart

I tilt my head at Ian, threatening him with a single look. "Nothing is going on with me and Nazeera," I say. "Drop it."
"All right," he says, picking at his pizza. "Makes sense. I mean, she's not even that pretty."
My plate falls out of my hand. Pizza hits the floor. I feel a sudden, unwelcome, need to punch Ian in the face. "Are you - Are you out of your mind ? Not even - She's, like, the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my like, and you're out here saying she's not even that pretty ? Have y-"
"See what I'm saying?" Ian cuts me off. He's looking at Winston.
"Wow," Winston says, staring solemnly at the pizza on the ground. "Yeah, Kenji is definitely full of shit."
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