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Critique de dianahincureads

When you think you have it all but it goes up in smoke.TU describes the mechanisms of a toxic relationship with absolute accuracy. Pretty scary since all women experience in their lifetime at least one form or another of emotional abuse. The book struck a chord because I've experienced it myself. It starts off as a vacation to paradise and in no time, you find yourself stuck in hell. You shrugged off all the signs. They surely didn't mean anything at the time. They pile up every day until you're physically ill, until your body sends you countless signals to end it. But what about the love, you tell yourself. Maybe it's just a phase, you reassure yourself. Girl, no. Run as fast as you can.

Ève Chambrot constructs her narrative in a very interesting way. The narrator addresses the nameless victim directly, describing with clinical coldness the relationship with its toxic dynamics. This added distance increases the eeriness of the novel. The tension is palpable. You don't know what awaits on the next page. Salvation or damnation?
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