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Citations sur Being dead (3)

Death is nothing at all. I have slipped away into another room. All is well." Except, thought Syl, that there's no slipping back.
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We live, we die, we do not need to understand. There are no ghosts to lay. There is just ash and memory.
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Anyone who studies nature must get used to violence. You'll have to make yourselves companionable with death if any of you want to flourish as zoologists.
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    Lecteurs (4) Voir plus

    Quiz Voir plus

    Londres et la littérature

    Dans quelle rue de Londres vit Sherlock Holmes, le célèbre détective ?

    Oxford Street
    Baker Street
    Margaret Street
    Glasshouse Street

    10 questions
    1061 lecteurs ont répondu
    Thèmes : littérature , littérature anglaise , londresCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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