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Citations sur The Dating Plan (5)

'From the first day we first met, I knew I needed you in my life. You took the chaos and made it calm. You lifted my heart with your smile and awed me with your brilliant mind. […]'
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LIAM: Will l get to meet Max?
DAISY: Yes, if Max doesn’t like you, it’s all over.
LIAM: I’ll bring treats.
DAISY: He can’t be bribed.
LIAM: Everyone has a weakness.
DAISY: What’s yours?
LIAM: You.
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What did she call him? Honey? Babe? Darling? '… Humraaz.' The Urdu term of endearment came out before she could stop it.
'What does it mean?' he murmured gently.
'The one with whom we share our secrets.'
'Then I am your humraaz,' he said. 'And you are mine.'
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She’d always envied Liam’s relaxed attitude, his impulsiveness and disregard for rules. He was chaos. She was order.
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Unlike Sanjay, who admired the superheroes for their otherworldly powers, Daisy loved how they were committed to saving the world, even though they were all broken inside.
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