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Citations sur Annarasumanara, tome 3 (1)

Ryu Min Hyuk, pay attention.
Why are you grades dropping ? Are you like this because the college exam is only a few months away ? What's wrong with you ? Stop paying attention to other things and just focus on studying ! If your grades keep falling, you won't amount to anything. Do you want to become a failure ?
You can't become anything with that kind of hazy mindset.
Don't you know how scary the adult world is ?
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    Philosophes au cinéma

    Ce film réalisé par Derek Jarman en 1993 retrace la vie d'un philosophe autrichien né à Vienne en 1889 et mort à Cambridge en 1951. Quel est son nom?

    Ludwig Wittgenstein
    Stephen Zweig
    Martin Heidegger

    8 questions
    158 lecteurs ont répondu
    Thèmes : philosophie , philosophes , sociologie , culture générale , cinema , adapté au cinéma , adaptation , littératureCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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