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Critique de ReadinginRheims

My book is Diary of a Wimpy Kid. The title is good because it really explains the story. The story is about a boy who is not lucky at all in his everyday life. It is funny the way the book is written, because it is written the way a 12 years old child would write. You will follow this child's life through his school year, and you will also discover how he sees people around him. That is the funniest part.
This book is really easy to read. It will not take you a long time to read it. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did !

I read this book with a lot of motivation. It’s very fun, but at the same time it can be serious. It describes the details of life of this “wimpy kid.” I don’t really like illustrated books. I think the author should let us imagine by ourself the story that is described. This book is a diary and the small drawings are made as if it was drawn by a kid. This story is pretty standard. A kid describes his life and we see his first day at school and other important events in his childhood. Finally, I can say that this can be a catchy story for some people who love kids’ novels and have a lot of free time to spend for this type of literature. Then they can read the other books of this author.
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