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Critique de LLCECarriat

This book was wrote in 2005 by Jeff LINDSAY, an American writer who was interested by detective novels. Dearly devoted Dexter follow the life of Dexter, a Miami blood splatter analyst who works with his sister, Debra. What makes the main character special is that he has a dual personality. The first one is the « normal » one, his life of citizen with a job and a girlfriend in opposition to his second frame of mind which he calls « the black passenger ». This dark personality has impulses that push him to kill people that he deems worthy of death. He was trained by his adoptive father, Harry. Indeed, he himself had this kind of impulses. In this book, Dexter tries to find the main villain of the novel (a torturer from El Salvador) while killing one or two other little criminals throughout the story. All the while trying to appear natural and gradually building up his family life with Rita and her two children. However, he will be suspected throughout the story by one of his sister's colleagues, Sergeant Doakes, who will never give him a break.
The book represents very well « the black passenger », this personality which will guide the hero in all his actions. I really appreciated this book because the author plays a lot with black humor and describes the scenes of murder in realistic and distressing ways without making them gore. Dexter is also a very interesting character because we are constantly in his head and we can see that he has practically no emotions. Seeing and trying to understand his way of thinking is very pleasant. Then, I also found that the events are well-connected and that the author goes very quickly to the point, actually there are not too many boring descriptions. Only one thing did not please me very much, the end was rather predictable.
I highly recommend this book, it's easy to read, the story is interesting, the characters intriguing while being complex.
Enjoy your reading!
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