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Critique de LaraCroft

Personally I love it, despite some minor flaws. It is much more profound than other paranormal YA series are. Noël's ideas are a breath of fresh air in the genre. The characters some times act stupid but I can totally understand their motivations. If you like alchemy, philosophy, elements about immortality, after life, aura, chakras and contemplation, read it. Today's literature is filled with boring paranormal books about a girl that meets a mysterious guy and fall in love. This is different.

I had this book in my shelf since forever. I had heard great things and bad things about it. The reason I finally decided to read it is that Alyson Noël was coming to my area and I wanted before I get to meet her to read a few books by her. I am glad that I did.
It had some similarities with other book series, I admit it, but it was so enjoyable and addicting. An amazing start to a very promising series.
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