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Citations sur Cherished (1)

Almost from the beginning, Chiaki had understood what it took most others years to understand; to dominate was to protect. Without a submissive, a dominant was nothing, had nothing. He would be as empty as a man without a heart. A submissive without a dominant was that heart, laid bare and vulnerable to the world to be wounded and crushed. Only together, with that heart beating safely inside a strong chest could they be whole and happy.
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    L'érotisme en littérature

    Lequel de ces romans de Diderot, publié anonymement, est un roman libertin ?

    Le Neveu de Rameau
    Les Bijoux indiscrets
    Le Rêve de D'Alembert
    La Religieuse

    6 questions
    355 lecteurs ont répondu
    Thèmes : littérature libertine , érotisme , érotiqueCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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