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Critique de indithepotatoreads

3,5/5 for this first book of a new series.Tbh I must say I'm slightly disappointed. I thought I'd like it better but well. I wouldn't say I didn't enjoy it (hence my rating) but it didn't leave an impression like Vicious and the Shades of Magic series. A few thoughts about the book :- Victoria's writing : despite a few things that bugged me (like the overuse of the line "Plan?" by our dear Jacob......), I really love her writing. It's fluid and so nice to read. Victoria Schwab remains one of my favorite writers. She has a way with words which gets me completely immerged in her stories.- Cassidy and Jacob : I really liked their relationship. I'm not a huge fan of the characters themselves, they're just okay, but their interactions were pretty fun and heartwarming. I'm very excited to see how it will develop in the next books. That picture at the end was niiiiiice !!!- Other characters : Cassidy's parents were honestly weird haha but they made the plot interesting. It added something to the story. Findley (bad memory strikes again, I'm not even sure that's his name lol) was pretty cool but I guess we won't see him anymore.- the plot itself was okay, it worked, but nothing out of the ordinary. The Red Raven was pretty cool and she is "scary". I liked her story. Same goes to the world the author built, it's nice but nothing stroke me as amazing.- finally, the references to Harry Potter felt a bit... annoying. And I'm a huge HP fan so ??? I don't mind a little reference, that's something that always makes me smile. But like, here, there are so many??? It was just too much :(To sum up, despite the simple plot and characters, I enjoyed reading City of Ghosts. I couldn't help comparing it to the Lockwood & Co. series and that made me realize a few things. Back then, I was expecting a lot from Jonathan Stroud (beacuse of the genius of Bartimaeus) and I was a bit disappointed by The Screaming Staircase. But it was only the first book so the author had to introduce a new world and new characters, who would be developped in the next books. So yeah, City of Ghosts is a pretty good start. Now I'm waiting to see what the next books will bring :)
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