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EAN : 978B00VZ42GIY
Arcadia Books (15/02/2014)
5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
A multi-layered, multi-faceted story of love and loss, finding and losing, and mixed-race marriage, Revolt is the tale of three wealthy sisters and the problems that no amount of money can solve. There is a daughter, abandoned because of an impulsive marriage, an aunt who pines for lost love, and a bridegroom with the biggest problem of them all. Set in England and the fictional village of Gulistan in Pakistan, with its fascinating array of quirky, eccentric and unf... >Voir plus

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Henri Vernes ou Jules Verne ? (épisode 1. facile)

De la Terre à la Lune

Henri Vernes
Jules Verne

10 questions
80 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : aventure , roman d'aventure , aventure jeunesse , aventure mystérieuse , aventure fantastique , bande dessinée , bd franco-belge , littérature française , littérature belgeCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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