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Critique de Roselys17

I heard about this book on @annelitterarum's account but I didn't really know what to expect when I bought it.
Nora, the main character, daughter of a con artist, is held hostage in a bank robbery with her ex-boyfriend and her new girlfriend.
It was a very good read. Nora is witty, intelligent, insightful, a peculiar character.
We alternate between fast-paced chapters following Nora, Wes and Iris during the bank heist and flash-backs to Nora's life with her mother who tricks criminal men and makes Nora play “the perfect daughter” for each mark, creating several identities for her over the years. However, this is a dangerous game.
This book is about living with trauma, recovering from trauma, the journey to survive abuse.
On that note, trigger warnings for this book are available in the comments.
It also depicts in a beautiful, genuine way the importance of friendship, solidarity. Nora's relationships with Wes and Iris are really interesting and different from what I have read before. They bring a lot to each other.
Finally, it was great to read about a character suffering from endometriosis, as it is not commonly talked about
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