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EAN : 9782353090389
62 pages
Wetta WorldWide (15/07/2008)
2.38/5   4 notes
Résumé :
You knock at the door of the old mansion up on the hill, and who answers? Your host, none other than Gene Simmons, beckoning you inside. The door slams shut. You try to run, but it's too late... you've entered the home of Simmons Comics Group and there's no turning back!
Gene Simmons House of Horrors includes the short, terrifying stories from three installments of House of Horrors, and features a cover by fellow legend Todd McFarlane!

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Comics : Les héros de Marvel

Elle peut se dématérialiser, et ainsi traverser les objets solides, les murs, les plafonds ... Il s'agit bien sûr de ...

Kate Winslet
Kitty Pryde
Hello Kitty
Katy Perry

10 questions
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