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Citations sur Tomb Raider, tome 2 : Secrets and Lies (1)

- You know what I love about you, roomie? What I truly admire? It's that, when you see an artifact, something that could have just... turned to dust, but survived, somehow. You don't see a cost, you don't see a monetary value. And you don't see your name on some museum wall.
- I don't?
- You know you don't. Wipe your mouth, Brando. And shut up. I'm saying brilliant stuff. You see the person who made the thing. You see their hands mastering their art, and the family they do it for, and the community where they live.
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    Les super-héros et super-héroïnes de comics

    Eternel amoureux de Loïs Lane, il vient de Krypton :


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