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Citations sur Les X-Wings, tome 8 : La vengeance d'Isard (6)

Tycho stood and stretched. "Back to the simulators, and then?"
"Yeah. That worst case scenario, I want to run it again." Wedge nodded solemnly. "I want to run it until it bacomes Krennel's worst case, not ours."
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"I'm Captain Corran Horn of the New Republic. Either I'm here liberating you or capturing you, your choice. " He smiled quickly. "One note: I hate taking prisoners."
He nodded toward a holoprojector on a table in the center of the lab: "Show me what you're working on and you'd be cooperative, which prisoners never are."
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"Calling Rogue Squadron down upon yourself would be ruled 'suicide' by most coroners."
"Right, which means whoever did this thinks they can handle us, is crazy enough to think they can handle us, or just has one colossal hate on for us."
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"The start of any good investigation involves hunting up a reliable source of caf- the kind that keep you awake through an Ithorian production of a Gamorrean opera."
"Isn't that kind of caf considered a controlled substance within the New Republic?"
She laughed "I think someone tried to pass a regulation like that, but the Senate staffers live on that kind of caf, so the proposal vanished."
"Datacard probably just fell into a pot of the stuff. "Wedge smiled. "Probably improved the taste, too."
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La galaxie subi une guerre civile dont les horreurs restent présentes dans nos mémoires. On m'a reproché de ne pas m'être élevé à temps contre l'empire, affirmant que j'aurais pu sauver des milliards de vies. La tyrannie de la Nouvelle République en est encore à ses balbutiements. S'y opposer maintenant, c'est épargner d'autres milliards d'existences dans un avenir plus ou moins proche.
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Projetée contre la cloison, Isard sentit une douleur atroce se répandre de son abdomen à ses jambes... Hébétée, elle lâcha son blaster.
Les yeux baisées, elle vit que sa veste d'uniforme brûlait. La fumée lui piqua les yeux. Chaque inspiration lui coûtait un effort.
Regardant Illela, elle ouvrit la bouche pour la provoquer, éructer des horreurs sur son mari...
Un croassement sorti de ses lèvres.
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