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Critique de HenriMoufettal

What is a black swan? Something that has not been expected, well at least observed. The book explains it straight: before going to Australia, we only reckoned swans were white ‘cause we haven't seen other coloured ones (haven't checked up that fact though), hence not looking further and believing all of them were white. Then, a trip to australia, and the discovery of a black swan. One that didn't entered our observation to generalization before.

I have read it in English, because, simply because feeling better this way. Like explained in the book, don't know why I used a because... naturally... searching a rationale, a because with the cause, how obscure it can be. The whole a posteriorism defining the reflexion around.

We, royal we, can explain what happened retrospectively, many thing – wars, crisis, success, failures. Why did these events happen so? The whole set of interactions taken into account is just too limited, not taking the alignment of reactions from one agent to the others that can create the whole cultural boiling to explode.

Tending to love narratives in everyday life, even if it reduces the whole global frame to a simple story from assumptions taken from granted while, I agree, with the power of a story, it is easier to sell stuff around and convince people.

I recalled a lesson from a course in marketing: "Don't assume. It makes an ass of you, of me." Learn to learn, learn from mistakes, the hidden forest behind any success story.

Yes, this book is for me kind of a fantastic read. Living in the fantastic full of WTF world: the world of mediocristan and the one of extremistan. Live the yes and move with the world, the future is broader than anyone can think.
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