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Citations sur Star Wars - La Main de Thrawn, tome 2 : Vision du fu.. (2)

Oui, l'escalade aurait dû être pénible.
A la surprise de Luke, il n'en fut rien. Pour une raison précise : la barrière qui existait entre Mara et lui avait disparu.
Le plus curieux, c'était que Luke ignorait qu'il y en avait eu une. Le lien entre Mara et lui était déjà puissant : le Jedi n'imaginait pas qu'il puisse encore se renforcer.
Il se trompait.
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The absolute laser-trimmed image of Grand Admiral Thrawn, a masquerade solidly believed by every Imperial aboard the Relentless from Captain Dorja on down.
Trouble was, there weren't any Imperials on the planet below them. Far from it.
Kroctar, merchant center and capital of Shataum sector, was deep in New Republic territory, with every bits as much military firepower as one would expect such a world to have. There was no guarantee that any of them would be impressed by Flim's eyes and uniform and acting ability.
And if they weren't, this cozy little triumvirate Disra had formed was about to blow up in their faces. Flim might look like Thrawn, but he had all the tactical genius of a garbage-pit parasite. Tierce, a former stormtrooper ad Royal Guardsman under Emperor Palpatine, was the military brains of their little group; and if Captain Dorja saw an allegedly lowlt major rush over to the allegedly brillant Grand Admiral to give him advice, this whole illusion would explode into soap scum. Whatever bluff Tierce was running here, it had better work.
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