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Critique de indithepotatoreads

Gosh, it was such a good book.
It made me laugh, squeal, cry. Happy crying, sad crying ugh
I wasn't sure what to expect when I started Eliza and her monsters. I guess I'd expected it to be what Fangirl wasn't haha a good look at fandoms. And I wasn't disappointed. It's not the sole focus of the book but I felt the author described fandoms, internet friends and such very well. I felt truly nostalgic when I read the book. It reminded me of that time when I used to spend my life online. And that's why it also hurt a lot at some points in the book. I felt very close to Eliza and I think this book will hit home for pretty much everyone who knows how fandoms can save us.Also her parents not understanding her and trying to reach her ugh that happened to me as well and I had a hard time not breaking down while reading... (not a good idea to read that on a plane haha)
There's only thing that bothered me a little : Wallace. I'm still not sure how to feel about him.
To sum up, I loved the depiction of fandom and online friendships. I loved the characters (Eliza and her brothers!!!!). And I loved the hope it gives :)
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