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Vidéos de Catharine A. MacKinnon (9)
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Thelx15 février 2018
Turning Rape Into Pornography: Postmodern Genocide | Catharine MacKinnon.

Professor Catharine MacKinnon talks about her long career defending the legal rights of women and her current work seeking justice for women that were abused in the former republic of Yugoslavia.
Thelx12 février 2018
Catharine MacKinnon at the Nordiskt Forum in Sweden talking about Rape, Consent and Survivors of Prostitution (2014).
Thelx29 janvier 2018
Yofi Tirosh introduces Catharine MacKinnon at Tel Aviv University, May 2017.
In a packed Friday morning celebration of Prof. Catharine MacKinnon's new book, "Butterfly Politics", Dr. Yofi Tirosh explains how MacKinnon's thought can contribute to understanding women's exclusion - the pressing contemporary challenge for Israel's women.
Thelx26 janvier 2018
Ruth Bader Ginsburg at Sundance talks about #MeToo, sexual harassment and Catharine MacKinnon's work.
Thelx14 janvier 2018
Radical feminist Catharine MacKinnon discusses pornography and her book "Only Words" on Charlie Rose.
Thelx29 décembre 2017
The Butterfly Effect with Catharine MacKinnon. Under the right conditions, small simple actions can produce large complex effects. Pioneering lawyer and activist for women’s rights Catharine A. MacKinnon argues that seemingly minor interventions in the legal realm can have a butterfly effect that generates major social and cultural transformations.
Thelx19 décembre 2017
'It is not that law changes society because of the power it has, or because it is a form of force.' Powerful clip from Catherine Mackinnon's RSA talk.

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Quiz sur le livre "Derrière la haine" de Barbara Abel.

Quel cadeau le parrain de Milo offre-t-il au garçon pour ses 4 ans ?

un ballon de foot
une petite voiture
des gants de boxe

10 questions
148 lecteurs ont répondu
Thème : Derrière la haine de Barbara AbelCréer un quiz sur cet auteur

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