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Nationalité : Danemark
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Rebecca Rabinow est conservateur de musée, organisatrice d'expositions. Elle travaille au Metropolitan Museum of Art de New York, Department of 19th-Century, Modern, and Contemporary Art

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Rebecca Rabinow, associate curator at The Metropolitan Museum of Art and co-curator of The Steins Collect, provides an overview of how this family -- Leo, Gertrude, Michael, and Sarah Stein -- changed the face of modern art. Rabinow begins with the family's life in Paris, where they began collecting and befriended some of the most influential artists of the twentieth century.

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L'enfant et la rivière

Qui est Bargabot par rapport à Pascalet ?

Son oncle
Un ami de tante Martine
Un pêcheur qui apporte du poisson à la famille
Un vagant

11 questions
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