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Nationalité : Royaume-Uni
Biographie :

Richard Roper est un auteur anglais dont le premier roman Something to live for (ou How not to die alone aux États-Unis) est paru en 2019. Il a deja été traduit en 19 langues et des droits pour le cinéma sont en discussion.

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Bibliographie de Richard Roper   (2)Voir plus


Citations et extraits (3) Ajouter une citation
A lie can only exist in opposition to the truth. And the truth was the only thing that could free him of his pain.
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When he entered the hallway the smell of damp hit him even harder than usual. And there were the familiar scuff marks on the corridor walls and the intermittent, milky yellow of the faulty strip light. He trudged up the stairs, his wet shoes squeaking with each step, and slid the second key around on his key ring. He reached up to right the wonky number 2 on the door and went inside, met, as he had been for the last twenty years, by nothing but silence.
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Ten years ago there had been a chance he might have considered a fresh start. Traveling, maybe, or a bold new career move. But these days just having to leave the house left him with an unspecific feeling of anxiety, so hiking to Machu Picchu or retraining as a lion tamer wasn’t exactly on the cards.
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Lecteurs de Richard Roper (7)Voir plus

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Et plus si affinités ? (T. 2)

Qui vient au domicile de Tôdo pour récupérer sa fille en fin de soirée ?

La mère de Minani
Le père de Minani

5 questions
1 lecteurs ont répondu
Thème : Et plus si affinités ? - Tome 2 de Créer un quiz sur cet auteur

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