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Vidéos de Rob Reger (7)
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EffeLou30 octobre 2014
Check out the official trailer for Emily the Strange.
EffeLou30 octobre 2014
Take some time out with Emily's new book EMILY THE STRANGE: DARK DAYS! When Emily goes back to school, she goes way back—all the way back to the 18th Century in her homemade Time-Out Machine. Emily documents the trip with first-person diary entries and her trademark black-and-red artwork of sketches, doodles, and archival photographs--and, naturally, the results are Strange!

Emily's uniquely strange homeschool syllabus includes:

1. Time Travel 101
2. Advanced Spy Photography
3. Bonnet Basics
4. Great Aunts Through the Ages
5. Intro to Germ Theory
6. Care and Feeding of 'Squito Fish
7. Fundamentals of Black Rock
8. Spiderweb Embroidery
9. Historical & Contemporary Felines
10. Pop Quizzes
11. Foodstuffs of the 1780s
12. Thwarting Ancestral Enemies
13. Techniques in Parallel
+ Lire la suite
EffeLou30 octobre 2014
Emily the Strange: 13 years old. Able to leap tall buildings, probably, if she felt like it. More likely to be napping with her four black cats; or cobbling together a particle accelerator out of lint, lentils, and safety pins; or rocking out on drums/ guitar/saxophone/zither; or painting a swirling feral sewer mural; or forcing someone to say "swirling feral sewer mural" 13 times fast . . . and pointing and laughing.
EffeLou30 octobre 2014
Emily the Strange creator Rob Reger, and writer Jessica Gruner, explain the origin of the Emily character, how much her popularity has grown, and filled us in on their future plans for Emily.
EffeLou30 octobre 2014
Last December, italian director Lorenzo Fonda spent one day with Rob Reger, Emily The Strange's creator, visiting his house, his gallery and his studio.
EffeLou30 octobre 2014
Rob Reger, the creator of Emily the Strange, paints a portrait of Emily and talks about Emily's first novel Emily the Strange: Strange Days.
videos10 janvier 2012

Emily the Strange - Rob Reger - Éditions Michel Lafon

Emily est frappée d'une vilaine amnésie et ne se rappelle même plus de son prénom. Sous la forme d'un journal intime émaillé de dessins rouges et noirs, elle suit lentement des indices qui pourraient lui révéler son identité, et découvre une mission secrète qu'elle devra accomplir...Un récit original teinté de mystères, d'aventure, et au final délicieusement étrange.

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Emily The Strange tome 1

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El Delgon
Le Delgon
El Dengol
Le Dengol

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Thème : Emily the Strange, Tome 1 : Les jours perdus de Rob RegerCréer un quiz sur cet auteur

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