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Bibliographie de Trevor Baxendale   (8)Voir plus


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And you know how those Dalek guns work, don't you? On full power, they can blast a human being into atoms in a split second. But they never do that. Every Dalek dials down the power on its gun-stick to the specific level that will kill a human being. Then they lower the power setting just a tiny bit further, so that the beam burns away the central nervous system from the outside in, meaning that every human being dies in agony. So it takes a full two to three seconds for a Dalek to exterminate one of us – and that's deliberate.
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-You're all going to burn and no matter how much you try to come back, or which of you remain, I'm always going to be there to stop you. So just remember; there's a storm coming!
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Lecteurs de Trevor Baxendale (8)Voir plus

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Victor HUGO ❤️

Dans sa jeunesse, Victor Hugo voulait devenir ...

le 'Shakespeare' français
le 'Saint-Simon' du peuple
'Voltaire' et même plus
'Chateaubriand' ou rien

16 questions
33 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : culture générale , littérature , écrivainCréer un quiz sur cet auteur

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