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Citations sur Les Penderwick à Pointe-Mouette (6)

Un bon chef devait savoir laisser ses troupes se reposer quand elles avaient accompli leur devoir.
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"And how's Batty?"
"Uspet and having trouble with some of the basic concepts. You should hear her and Mercedes asking Aunt Clair why Alec didn't know that daddies are a part of making babies."
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Fire, Moon, Sand and Sea,
Listen now and hear my plea.
Humbly do I ask of thee,
Please bring what I wish to me.
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"Once there was a beautiful maiden named Sabrina Starr who had never been in love."
The hair was twiddling started up again, but Batty wasn't going to wait so long this time. "Then what?" she asked.
"That's all I have so far. What do you think?"
"It's okay," answered Batty carefully. This seemed as much a trick question as the one about blowing up. "But not very long."
"I know. I just can't figure out how to start this book."
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"The medecine the doctors gave her for pain has made her a little goofy," said Alec after he'd gotten her settled on the sofa with her feet propped up and the crutches beside her.
" 'Edelweiss, edelweiss,' " sang Aunt Claire in several different keys, " 'every morning you greet me. ' "
"Like I said, goofy. She's been singing a lot."
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Il y avait assez de gilets de sauvetage pour tout le monde. Alex insista pour que chacun en passe un. Linotte était ravie de ne plus être la seule déguisée en citrouille.
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