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EAN : 9781524732011
256 pages
Knopf (11/06/2019)
3.75/5   2 notes
Résumé :
From the creator and executive producer of the beloved and universally acclaimed television series BoJack Horseman, a fabulously off-beat collection of short stories about love--the best and worst thing in the universe

Written with all the scathing dark humor that is a hallmark of BoJack Horseman, Raphael Bob-Waksberg's stories will make readers laugh, weep, and shiver in uncomfortably delicious recognition. In "A Most Blessed and Auspicious Occasion,... >Voir plus
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A statue isn't built from the ground up -- it's chiseled out of a block of marble -- and I often wonder if we aren't likewise shaped by the qualities we lack, outlined by the empty space where the marble used to be. I'll be sitting on a train. I'll be lying awake in bed. I'll be watching a movie; I'll be laughing. And then, all of a sudden, I'll be struck with the paralyzing truth: It's not what we do that makes us who are. It's what we don't do that defines us.
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And I thought about how, actually, if you wanted to, you could say the same thing about life. That life is terrifying and overwhelming and it can happen at any moment. And when you’re confronted with life you can either be cowardly or you can be brave, but either way you’re going to live. So you might as well be brave.
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Les Amants de la Littérature

Grâce à Shakespeare, ils sont certainement les plus célèbres, les plus appréciés et les plus ancrés dans les mémoires depuis des siècles...

Hercule Poirot & Miss Marple
Pyrame & Thisbé
Roméo & Juliette
Sherlock Holmes & John Watson

10 questions
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Thèmes : amants , amour , littératureCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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