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Citations sur Star Trek, tome 2 : Le Fils du passé (1)

They sat in silence, as the roar came again, dying away into a bubbling wail, and then there was only the sound of the wind, and the swish of the snow against the tent. McCoy swallowed.

“What was that?” he asked, very quietly.

“Probably a sithar, Bones.” Kirk supplied, helpfully. “Very large predator. Looks like a cross between a musk ox and a lion. You remember, there was one painted on the wall. Scientists estimated them to be about the size of an Earth buffalo.”

“Carnivorous?” McCoy asked, still in that quiet tone. Spock raised an eyebrow and glanced at Kirk, whose smile broadened.

“Sure.” Kirk replied. “Their favorite meal is Chief Surgeons who don’t have the sense to listen to their Commanding Officers
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