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EAN : 978B017C19G86
The University Press of Kentucky (31/12/1997)
5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
The position Frances Burney (1752-1840) holds as a novelist, journalist, and letter-writer is now undisputed, thanks to reevaluations of the canon in recent years. Yet she was always intrigued by, and wrote for, the stage. Though only one of Burney's dramas was performed in her lifetime, Barbara Darby places the plays in the context of performance and feminist theory, challenging past assertions about Burney that were based entirely on her novels and journals. Darby... >Voir plus
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The interaction between gentility and the theater was a concern for Burney herself and was something that plagued the careers of many women writing for the stage in the eighteenth century.
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Burney mixes her romantic couple’s sentimentality, emotional effusions, and idealism with the financial pragmatism of figures of different classes.
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Philosophes au cinéma

Ce film réalisé par Derek Jarman en 1993 retrace la vie d'un philosophe autrichien né à Vienne en 1889 et mort à Cambridge en 1951. Quel est son nom?

Ludwig Wittgenstein
Stephen Zweig
Martin Heidegger

8 questions
160 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : philosophie , philosophes , sociologie , culture générale , cinema , adapté au cinéma , adaptation , littératureCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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