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EAN : 9781988003627
202 pages
Amazon Print (22/09/2019)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Who killed Jenny Blake?
In the gentle hamlet of St. Ives, a killer roams free. In 1975, seventeen-year-old Jenny Blake was found strangled in the ruins behind the abandoned St. Ives Abbey. Her murderer was never caught. Forty-four years later, an advertisement in the local newspaper draws seven people, including Avery Holmes, to the home of Elliot Marks with the purpose of forming a murder mystery book club.
Within minutes of the first meeting, Marks p... >Voir plus
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Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
J'avais très hâte de lire ce nouveau roman de Nadine Doolittle. Dès que j'ai commencé à lire le premier chapitre, j'ai été happée par l'histoire. Ce classique « who done it » avec des détectives amateurs, est tout à fait à la hauteur du genre. J'en ai vite oublié la petitesse de la police de caractère, que je trouve normalement inconfortable. La bonne nouvelle, c'est qu'il s'agit seulement du premier tome de la série « A St. Ives Book Club Mystery ». J'attendrai le prochain tome avec impatience.
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Citations et extraits (4) Ajouter une citation
“I wouldn’t trust an ad if there’s no social proof to back it up. Is the guy on social media? How are you going to know if he’s legit?” (…)
“The organizer took an ad out in the paper. That costs money, Dylan. I trust someone who plunks down money for an ad is more trustworthy than some fly-by-night on social media. Advertising is the way my generation got things done. It’s not weird. It’s actually quite sensible.”
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There was a comfortable sofa, television, and CD player. (Music streaming was a tech too far for Avery to follow. She’d already made the leap from vinyl to cassette and then again to compact disc. She would go no further.)
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Her face went bright pink. What did his mother call that? High colour. Veronica would consider it a mark against Pearl that she couldn’t conceal her emotions like an ice queen.
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She suspected Karen was one of those people who meant no harm but caused it almost daily with their thoughtless remarks.
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Video de Nadine Doolittle (1) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Nadine Doolittle
Nadine Doolittle Discusses Iced Under
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Roger-Jon Ellory : " **** le silence"


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