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EAN : 9781576873465
160 pages
powerHouse Books,U.S. (23/10/2006)
3.5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
She was riveting to look at, a sprite of the zeitgeist, the living distillation of the over-amped vision of New York in the mid-'60s. As Andy Warhol's movie muse and favorite "star", she initially bloomed, became the symbol for all that was hip and stylish and just as quickly began to desintegrate under the weight of her haunted past and prodigious drug taking. Told with unsparing candor and with candid images that capture her at the peak of her radiant Factory star... >Voir plus
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Danny Fields : Edie was sort of extra-planetary. Like Andy. She was like one of those magic fairy people that come into your life, and then the wind comes along and sweeps them away - it could be the wind of death, it could be the wind of fame, it could be the wind of other people. It comes along and takes them back to wherever they came from.
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Qui chantait ceci en 1977? On a tous dans le coeur une petite fille oubliée Une jupe plissée, queue de cheval, à la sortie du lycée On a tous dans le cœur un morceau de ferraille usé Un vieux scooter de rêve pour faire le cirque dans le quartier Et la petite fille chantait (et la petite fille chantait) Et la petite fille chantait (et la petite fille chantait) Un truc qui me colle encore au cœur et au corps Everybody's doing a brand-new dance now Come on babe do the locomotion I know you gonna like it if you give it a chance now Come on babe do the locomotion

Alain Souchon
Laurent Voulzy
Eddie Mitchell

12 questions
85 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : chanson française , années 60 , enterrement , animauxCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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