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Body Shop Bad Boys tome 1 sur 4
EAN : 9781492630265
380 pages
Sourcebooks, Inc (07/06/2016)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
Johnny, Foley, Sam, and Lou are the rough-and-tumble mechanics of Webster's Garage. These reformed bad boys are used to living fast, but it's the women in their lives who take them from zero to sixty in a heartbeat.
Johnny's a charmer with a checkered past. He's had his eye on scorching-hot bartender Lara Valley for ages, but she's rejected him more than once. That doesn't mean he won't come to her aid when some dirtbag mauls her. When she asks him on a date ... >Voir plus
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Such a waste of a perfectly good beer container. Once the half-gallon jar had been home to a killer IPA flavored with hops and a hint of citrus. Now, it was nothing but a no-swearing jar filled with goddamn quarters.
As if the shop going clean would prevent Del from slipping up at her wedding.
He imagined her dolled up in a white gown, tats, piercings, and her hair all done up in some funky twist, looking like a million bucks. She'd be glowing at her behemoth of a fiancé before letting lose with an “I *fucking* do.”
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