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Bailey Carr (Autre) Random House Audio (Autre)
Random House (25/04/2023)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
Liz Baker and her three roommates work at the Nether Fields, a queer magazine in New York that’s on the verge of shutting down—until it’s bought at the last minute by two wealthy lesbians. Liz knows she’s lucky to still have a paycheck but it’s hard to feel grateful with minority investor Daria Fitzgerald slashing budgets, cancelling bagel Fridays, and password protecting the color printer to prevent “frivolous use.” When Liz overhears Daria scoffing at her listicle... >Voir plus

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Louis-Ferdinand Céline ou Charles Bukowski

Au Sud de nulle part ?

Louis-Ferdinand Céline
Charles Bukowski

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