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Citations sur Gogo Monster (5)

- When people turn into grown-ups, their insides melt into a mushi glop and their brains get hard and stiff. They get infested with maggots and a purple stink.
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- I didn't know you said hello to other kids.
- He's new. He asked me why I always say stuff that weirds people out.
- Is that so ?
- He can't belive it doesn't bother me that nobody likes me. He thinks I should try harder to get along with the other kids.
-You don't agree ?
- It's hard to talk about dumb things. I can't do it.
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Je sais que, petit à petit, je deviens un adulte. Je ressens de moins en moins "les autres". Un jour... je ne les verrai plus du tout et je commencerai à pourrir...
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- When I talk to you, I start to think maybe the others don't really exist. Maybe I'm just crazy...
- It's a type of psychological escapism arising from your state of allienation, Yuki, that manifests in hallucinations and multiple symmetry disorder.
- Maybe you're right. But this morning, out on the veranda, a crow asked me: "How much longer are you going to be here? Your desk is gone. Before long, you won't see anymore. Before long, you won't hear anymore. Hurry, Yuki. Hurry."
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- 4/5 et 3/5 sont des multiples de 1/5, d'accord ? En fait, 1/5 est une unité... tu comprends ?
- Hein ? euh... oui...
- ...
- ...
- Tu comprends rien, c'est ça ?
- ...
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