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Baccano tome 2 sur 4
EAN : 9780316270403
189 pages
Yen On (30/08/2016)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
The place: America. The year: 1931. The setting: the transcontinental express train known as the "Flying Pussyfoot." Aboard the train are a gang aiming to make some extra cash, a group of revolutionary terrorists trying to recapture their leader, and a pair of thieves looking to meet up with an old friend in New York City. But drunk on the excitement of their departure, none of them are prepared for what awaits them on the rails...
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Que lire après Baccano, tome 2 : 1931 The Grand Punk RailroadVoir plus
Citations et extraits (2) Ajouter une citation
"That's right: Why are you people all in white?"
This dumb question received a dumb answer. The answer was also more than enough to provoke a strong feeling of revulsion in anyone who heard it.
"We're on our way to kill several dozen people in a narrow train, see? If we're in white the blood will show up better, and it'll look cool."
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The curtain rose on this crazy ruckus with one dumb sentence from a moron:
"Let's do a train robbery! I hear those pay well!"
Another moron agreed with that moron's moronic remark.
"Wow, that's terrific! We'll be rich!"
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Video de Ryohgo Narita (1) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Ryohgo Narita
"Dead Mount Death Play est un manga qui prend à contre-pied la tendance scénaristique actuelle et qui nous réserve encore pas mal de surprises."
Salut à toi ! Voici une nouvelle fois un Mangado - La voie du manga sur Dead Mount Death Play de FUJIMOTO Shinta et NARITA Ryohgo. Pour ne louper aucune vidéo et nous soutenir, pense à t'abonner à la chaine youtube de Manga-News et de la Bande Animée !
La Bande Animée :
Manga-News :¤££¤16PmRfXNXT7Dead Mount Death Play de FUJIMOTO Shinta15¤££¤6rmAqHIg/?sub_confirmation=1
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Quel est le véritable nom de Batman ?

Bruce Banner
Peter Parker
Bruce Wayne
Clark Kent

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